ake a look at my pinterest
Ok so lets talk studio spaces
I thought I would share with you a few tips and tricks that have worked for me with a small working space. Pics are not the most glamourous, but hopefully they are informative
The room I have for my indoor studio is not only small but somewhat impractical as it has two doors
The door as pictured on the left has a bit of a nook behind it. This nook is the perfect size to hold 2 milk crates, one is storing rolled up paper and artworks, the other is storing fabric bolts.
The pic on the left isnt too clear but the best way to store fabric that is not in regular use is by wrapping it in plastic. I just taped together 2 large garbags. But heres the slightly clever bit: tape a scrap of each fabric on the top so you know which one is which
Now flat paper/card storage can be a bit tricky. I took a large sheet of mdf and attached a shelf to the bottom of it. I then attached a piece of dowel at the edge of the shelf so that the paper can be stored upright without falling. As you can see from the left hand pic, this hides behind a work table. A bit of a problem I have had with this set up is that I have to be extra careful when working wet on this table: one big spill and all that paper and card would be ruined.
This shelf is shown just to demonstrate how handy baskets can be but also is you look at the top shelf you can see my favourite storage and organisation tool. This containers are from Red Dot or The Reject Shop, I can't remember which, I think it might be both.
These lidded plastic containers come in 2.5ltr and go up to 10ltr. The ones you see pictured are mostly the 2.5ltr but there is one 5ltr.
The best thing about these containers are when you pull them off the shelf you can easily access all your tools, pens, pencils, etc. without fiddling around. They would also be handy to create a drying space for artworks that are a bit smaller than A4. Pierce a few air holes in the side and stack
My final tip is to think and plan your space. If you always work in water colours find somewhere out of the way to store the oils. As I mainly work in clay but often get inspired to go off on a tangent with different projects, my indoor space is set up to work with a bit of everything
Hello all
Well it has been a very long time since I have posted here.
I have been posting pics and progress on my facebook page but I also plan to get back into the swing of things here.
After I finished Grad show in 2013 I moved house and over the past couple of years have taken some time to get organised spaces for my art. I now have a purpose built studio outside for clay and a small room inside for drawing. painting, small sculptural work (non-clay)
I think I have things well organised and in the coming weeks I would like to share with you my setup.
In the meantime please take a look at my fb page:
Counting Down To Grad Show
One of the reasons that I haven't been posting is how crazy things are, getting ready for Grad Show. After seven years part time study they are finally getting rid of me. After all this time, I honestly can't believe how quickly this year has disappeared. There is only 5 weeks left until the big night
I currently have just over 200 pieces made, from small to large. My intention is to create a walk through fantasty landscape. To create the impact that I would like to achieve, I hope to have at least another 50 pieces but with so little time left, I have had to start surface treatments and firings
This years graduating class is really large. There are 35 art and 12 jewellery students graduating. It should be an amazing exhibition.
The Grad Show is on at 6pm on the 4th December at Central Institute of Technology, 12 Aberdeen St, Perth. it will run for only one week. If you've never been here before you can't miss it. There is a big pink container sticking out of the building.
With there being 47 graduates in both jewellery and art, and the licence for only 300 people, if you are coming on opening night, my advice is to come early or come late, as there may be a chance you can't get in
To see image of my works in progress for grad show, check out my pinterest:
Grad Show Fund Raising Auction
Well it's been quite a while since I've posted again, so I thought I would catch you up with some old news.
We had our fund raising auction at Central Institute of Technology on the 2nd August this year and it was a huge success.
As team leader for the Artist Liaison and Board making team, there were some definite challenges in my role, but when the evening came it was all worth it.
We raised a record breaking total of $27,030!
Much thanks to all the generous artists and lecturer/artists who donated their work. I would like to say a very special thanks especially to Pippin Drysdale who generously donated 4 works; Pippin's work was responsible for a large portion of our phenomenal total. I would also like to thank our fantastic auctioneers.
Even the student works went very well, the highest raising $575. Every student work sold for $50 or over; speaking to some students from previous years, we were quite lucky on that score, on some previous years, a lot of student works have gone for only $10-$20 each. My work landed somewhere in the middle range, selling for $250.
Thank goodness we made so much, because with such a large group our catalogue has cost $20,000 to produce! Add to that the cost of putting on the auction in the first place (just over $3000) and there's now not all that much left.
It's been nearly a month since Supanova. It was a great weekend, although having a stall in the artists' alley did mean that I wasn't able to get to most the Q&A that I wanted to see. The only complete Q&A I saw was Carrie Fisher - told the family they have to watch the stall, there's no way I'm missing any of her. I also got to see the complete Kai Owen Q&A because thing were fairly quiet by last thing Sunday arvo. Oh I nearly forgot about Friday night. Because the artist alley isn't open Friday also got to check out the Merlin Knights Q&A. Really disappointed to have only seen a bit of Alan Tudyk and super sad to have missed half of Eve Myles & Kai Owen together.
I haven't really put images of my mugs online; I make large mugs with asymetrical handles that are individual and comfortable to hold. The nicest thing during the weekend was when I encountered a lady who was over here for a stall, from South Australia, who purchased a mug from me last year. She was relieved to find I had a stall again this year and came back to see me to buy more, she told me that the one she bought last time was her husband's very favourite mug that he uses it all the time.
I also decided to gift some mugs to my favourite stars. I gave one to Carrie Fisher, Eve Myles & Kai Owen. This was my third Supanova and I've been to a Comic con, so I've now met a few of my favourites, but I have never been SO nervous as when I met Carrie Fisher - I guess because I have literally spent my entire life loving Star Wars. I was a total dork when I met her but she vas very gracious about the gift.
When I gave Eve Myles she was so thrilled. She told me she was starting a new job on Monday and that she would be using it for her cuppa's on set. It was the next day when I saw Kai and gave him his gift. He said "I saw Eve's last night and I was so jealous" he was very happy and gave me a big hug.
My daughter also gave one of my mugs to her favourite Merlin Knight,
I think it was Rupert Young
All in all it was a great weekend.
I' m having some trouble loading images of my stall, I'll try again later
Almost forgot to take some pics yesterday, just remembered before i closed up the kiln - I just hope the kiln is cool enough in time for me to get them to Supernova
Getting Ready for Supanova
This year is just wizzing by.
Been busy making for Supanova this weekend
I have a stall in the artists' alley - if you are going to be there please stop by and say hi.
If I am not about it is because I am off seeing some of this years great line up, but my lovely fore bearing husband will be there if I am not.
My daughter Bethra is also getting in on the act, she plans to sell lots of lovely badges, bracelets and some other goodies
I will post some images of work in progress tomorrow night
There are some lovely Goblets, Tankards, Unique Ceramic Wands
And some super huge mega Goblets - the biggest will fit a full bottle of wine, or mead.
will also post some images of set up and from the weekend itself so keep an eye out